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10 Top Education Initiatives

What's your school's top priority? Do you know the best steps to making your school a better place? eSchool News have compiled 10 initiatives many educators are buzzing about. If there's any on or not on this list you feel you would like to learn and understand better, please share your thoughts with us below. 1. Desktop computers; 1:1 laptops; 1:1 tablets; BYOD. 2. No Child Left Behind (NCLB); Race to the Top (RTTT); Common Core State Standards (CCSS); Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). 3. Scantron testing; computer-based testing; adaptive testing. 4. Overhead projectors; interactive whiteboards; Student Response Systems (SRS); 3D projectors. 5. Web 2.0 online resources; eBooks; Create-Your-Own textbooks. 6. Online learning; blended learning; Flipped Learning. 7. Extracurriculars; longer school days; year-round school; after-school activities. 8. School day divided by subject and bells; gendered classrooms; open classroom design. 9. Chat rooms; Facebook; virtual reality; safe social networking through classroom learning networks. 10. Card cataloging skills; online search skills; digital literacy skills. BONUS! When initiatives move backward: Latin and Greek; French and German; Spanish and Chinese…English. Check out the original piece here.

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