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Detroit Service Learning Academy Opens Digital Café

The Cafe' is the innovation of Principal Robert Davis and is the new home for iPods, an iMac lab, digital e-readers, a class room set of iPads, an x-box kinect, a beverage service and much more. The Café resources are incorporated into the academic curriculum and is used as an additional teaching tool to enhance instruction. The success of the Cafe' attracted the attention of Fox 2 News who attended the grand opening and featured the story. Students visit the Cafe' accompanied by their teacher, but students who receive VIP status for exemplary behavior may visit at their leisure with a pass. The Café was funded in part by our community partner Meijer Super Stores. Now's also your chance to catch up on the DSLA show: Class Act, an intimate documentary of the school. Here's an episode that focus on the school's unsung heroes, its teachers:

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