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Is the Future of Education More Virtual?

The learning environment has been in the classroom for centuries. The knowledge of fractions and past wars has seeped into the minds of young pupils from the start of civilization. Students have the opportunity to become engaged in something new and beneficial to their lives. Yet as technology grows and the economy continues to stay stationary in growth, the state of the classroom is becoming a little less physical. Recently in Forbes, Dan Schawbel discussed how students are embracing the benefits of online learning as jobs continue to stay scarce. Education opportunities are flourishing more online. Career hopefuls are looking towards the virtual classroom to balance out their school work and minimum wage work. As college bound and career bound scholars leap into the bright prospects of online learning, I can't help but wonder how this will expand for pupils in grades K - 12. Will it one day be a possible necessity or more of an alternative for young children to depend on their computer screens? Or will the actual physical setting of the classroom remain the effective reality for students?

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