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Literacy Across Disciplines: STC Newark Study Tour

On February 12, Discovery Charter School generously hosted two sessions of STCN's first-ever study tour. Teachers and administrators from five schools - Link, St. Philip's, George Washington Carver, TEAM, and RISE - gathered to discuss the day's theme, literacy across disciplines. After a brief introduction by school leader and teacher Irene Hall, attendees dispersed across the school to sit in on classes and talk to students. In all classes, teachers emphasize reading and writing; for example, in an engineering class with Legos, students were required to document their entire process, explain their reasoning, and record failed attempts. During the follow-up discussion session, study tour participants noted the large volume of writing students produced through notes and assignments, the rigor and high expectations for all students, and the expectation that all teachers are literacy teachers. Thank you to all who shared their time, thoughts, and energy. We look forward to more of these conversations at our April study tour at St. Philip's Academy! Check out photos below!

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