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STC Milwaukee Leads Our Path to High Performance - A Principal's Testimony

My name is Shaun Luehring and I'm the principal of a partner school in the STC network. STCM has been instrumental in our quest for high performance. Keep an eye on what they are doing. It could just change Milwaukee. We have been involved in four different workshops they've led this summer. Here is a quick synopsis: In the school leaders conference various leaders of high performing urban schools and school reform spoke to school leaders of partner schools. They spoke on purpose and vision, hiring, personal organization, building buy in and other timely topics. Our Dean of Students and master teachers were also brought together in one-day conferences to learn from those that are effective, network with others, and solve the problems inherent in transforming schools specifically through the culture that is built. We also were involved in a workshop in which we developed interim assessments to be used in our schools based on the Wisconsin State Standards. It was truly and "work" shop where different schools worked together to build an assessment that would enable us to accurately drive instruction within our schools. To keep up with our progress, follow me on Twitter.

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